MALWARE(Virus, Trozens, Worm, Bomb) ~ Ssbtechcomputer


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MALWARE(Virus, Trozens, Worm, Bomb)


What is a Malware
  Malware is made up with two words……
     1)   Mal…….. stands for harmful
     2)   Ware……stands for software
 Meanse to say that MALWARE is a malicious application   software  which is degine to make harm. This harm belongs to   computer system & mobiles phones. It can couse to the software,   hardware, private & confidential data or information and it can   also leak your information to unknown hands.

What does Malware Do

A malware is made to harm the computers, workstation, netwekrs, & majorly it is using for the thefting the private & confidential information, emails, contact numbers, SMS, OTP, & ATM card passwords & other bank details. 

Categories of Malware


There are so many malwares are present in the market which are known by these names………………..

  • Virus
  • Bomb
  • Ransomeware
  • Trojans
  • Warm
  • Spyware
  • Adware


Virus is a type of malware. Virus is a application software which installed in our system without our permission. It executes in the RAM.
                     Extension of VIRUS is dependent upon the human interaction.
         It means it does not speared till by mistake, user does not open the virus infected file.Once the virus is executed it start multipling it self. it can be harmful for your data, information, software, programes & may be for hardware of system.

How can Virus Spread

Symptons of virus
  • Unusal hanging of your system.
  • System will work slow.
  • Your System will take lot of time in log on & log off.
  • Unwanted & uncertain file are shown to your system.
  • Automatic shut down of system.
  • Suspicious hard drive activity.
  • Lack of storage space.
  • Email is hijacked.
  • Unexpected pop-up windows. Unexpected onscreen ads are a typical sign of a virus infection.

Type of Virus—

Boot Virus—It infect computer’s most Important file(Bootmgr.exe) which resides inside the MBR(Master Boot Record).

MBR is first Record of harddisk.

This type of virus can’t be tracked.

Programe Virus—

It infects executable file of application software installed in our system. This type of virus can be tracked & deactivated by Antivirus.

Multipartive Virus—

It is a combination of Boot & Multipartive Virus.

Some Other Viruses are--

  • Stealth Virus
  • Paralastic Virus
  • Polymer Virus
  • Macro Virus
First Virus (Brain) was made by Alvi Brother’s Pakistan in 1986.


Worms are very similar function such as Viruses. Worm are more harmful & dangerous to virus because worm doesn’t need any human activation.


This is most Matrious (naughty) category of malware family. They are also known as backdoor software. They are responsible for information leaking. They make effect on system’s congregation.


There are set of codes which execute on the fulfilment of certain condition. Such as-increasing the volume of system, shut down etc…


Spyware leak the confidential & personal information such as user id & password, ATM pin etc.


It encrypt thee important data & files on your system in such a way that the data is lock for view & use.


It does not cause any harm to your files, software. They can irritate & embrace by displaying random ads.

 {{Ultimate solution for removing any kind of malware from setup is HARDDISK cleanup}}

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