Microsoft word is an application software developed by Microsoft Inc. ... It is word processing software. Microsoft Word is used to create, edit, print, and share professional-looking documents such as applications, forms, templates, business cards, letters, paper, reports, and booklets by using Microsoft Word.
MS Word One Linear
- MS Word is suited for combining the main document and data sources to send letters too many recipients.
- Number of recent open files is 17.
- Extension Name-- .Docx (After 2007)
- Extension Name-- .Doc (Before 2007)
- Collection of pages in word is called Document
- The default name of word file is Document 1
- Minimun page size is 10% and Maximum is 500%.
- Run command of word is winword and extension name is .doc OR .docx
- The small horizontal line in word is known as Endmark.
- Minimum time for autosave is 1 Minut maximum time is 120 minuts.
- By default autosave time is 10 Minuts
- Endnotes are shown at the end of Documnet
- Footnotes are shown at the end of Page
- Enter key is used to start a new paragraph.
- Alignments are avilable on Formating Tool bar.
- Backspace Button erase the left side contant of cursor while Delete button erase right side of cursor.
- Formate menu in Word is used for increasing the font size.
- Landscape and Portrait are two page orientation.
- Maximum size of most word processors is limited to 22*22 inches.
- These are some parts of MS Word window... A)Title Bar
- Mail Merge option is used for creating Labels
- Macros are used to create some shortcuts.
- Ms Word is avilable for Windows, Mac, Android
- If you want to check the shortcuts then hold ALT button all the shortcuts will be shown according to Menus.
D)Insertation Area/Working area
E)Status Area
Important Shortcuts
Shortcut | Term |
Office button | Alt+F |
Moving Cursor along the word | Ctrl+ Any arrow key |
Selecting the letters one by one | Shift+ Any arrow key |
Selecting the words | Ctrl+Shift+Any arrow key |
Select All | Ctrl+A |
Bold | Ctrl+B |
Copy | Ctrl+C |
Open Font Box | Ctrl+D |
Dublicate the picture | Ctrl+D |
Center Align | Ctrl+E |
Find | Ctrl+F |
Go To | Ctrl+G |
Replace the text | Ctrl+H |
Italic | Ctrl+I |
Justify Align | Ctrl+J |
Equal Justify | Ctrl+Shift+J |
Hyperlink | Ctrl+K |
left Align | Ctrl+L |
Increase the indent | Ctrl+M |
Open a new Document | Ctrl+N |
Open a Save Document File | Ctrl+O |
Print the Docment | Ctrl+P |
Right Align | Ctrl+R |
Save the Document | Ctrl+S |
Underline | Ctrl+U |
Paste | Ctrl+V |
Close the current document | Ctrl+W |
Cut | Ctrl+X |
Redo | Ctrl+Y |
Undo | Ctrl+Z |
Show & Hide Ribbon | Ctrl+F1 |
Print Preview | Ctrl+F2 |
Help | F1 |
Go To | F5 |
Spelling & Grammar | F7 |
Thesaurus | Shift+F7 |
Ignore Oncetd> | Alt+F7 |
Save As | F12 |
Subscript | Ctrl+= |
SuperScript | Ctrl+Shift++ |
Creating heading 1/2/3/4 | Alt+Ctrl+1/2/3/4 |
Increasing the Text size 1 Point | Ctrl+] |
Decreasing the Text size 1 Point | Ctrl+[ |
Increasing the Text size 2 Point | Ctrl+Shift+> |
Decreasing the Text size 2 Point | Ctrl+Shift+< |
Select the Word | Ctrl+Shift+Any Arrow key where you want selection |
Select the Letter | Shift+Any Arrow key where you want selection |
Close the active Screen | Ctrl+W |
Restore Down | Alt+F5 |
Switch to next window | Ctrl+F6 |
Maximize | Ctrl+F10 |
Open Dialog box | Ctrl+F12 OR Ctrl+O |
Delete one word a time | Ctrl+Backspace |
Move one cell right in table | Tab |
Move one cell left in table | Shift+Tab |
Underline words but not spaces | Ctrl+Shift+W |
Remove paragraph formatting | Ctrl+Q |