Python : All in ONE ~ Ssbtechcomputer


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Python : All in ONE

W W W . S S B T E C H C O M P U T E R . B L O G S P O T . C O M


Python Introduction--

Python is an interpreted object-oriented high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Python Syntax is easy compared to other languages.
It was introduced by Guido van Rossum in 1989. Its first version was released in 1991. In 1994 python 1.0 was released with new features including map filters and lambda extra. Python 2.6 also adds some more features like comprehensions garbage collection system. Python 3.6 released in 2008. Now python 3.9.5 is the latest version. Python is available for all operating systems such as Windows, Linux, mac.

Nowadays a python is usable at----
  • 1. Network marketing
  • 2.  Data analysis department
  • 3.  AI software development
  • 4.  Website and desktop software  development
  • 5.  Machine learning
  • 6.  Scrapping and game development
  • 7.  Video and audio software such as Netflix and VLC player
  • 8.  In the field of scientific calculation and handling large data amounts.
  • 9.  To avoid video and image buffering and server management for reading  and writing
  • 10.Maintaining a large amount of data

Why python is different from another programming language---

Python is that it follows both the Procedure-oriented and Object-Oriented concepts. Because of this, it is able to provide developers with an environment that no other language concentrating on a single concept is able to offer.

What python can not do?
  • 1. Python is slower than another compiler language because it is an interpreter language.
  • 2. It does not support block components.
  • 3. Errors can find only on run time.
  • 4. Not supported by major mobile application
  • 5. Python is weak in the making field of mobile applications. All the companies want to make their own app. But python is not made for it.
How to install python on your Computer--

  • 1. Open your web browser (Chrom)
  • 2. Type -
  • 3. Go on the Download button
  • 4. Select the python version according to your operating system and modification.
  • 5. Download the .exc file
  • 6. Cheak all the ticks.
  • 7. Run it as administration 
Download Python by clicking on this download button.......................
Python Functions

1. Print Function- This function is used for printing the results. It is also used to indicate a block of code. It is also used to give single & multiple line comments. It can also use for comparing the values.
Syntax of Print Function-- Print()
1. You have to write your printable content into the small round brackets.
2.  If you are writing the characters, alphabets then you have to write in single OR double quote.
3.  If you are writing the numeric then you could not use a single OR double quote.
Ex.1. A. Print("Hello to Python World!")
          B. Print('Hello to Python World!')
The output of A & B will Hello to Python World!
Ex.2. Print(Hello World!)-- This will show a Name error.
Ex.3. Print(20)-- Its output is 20.
Ex.4. Print("20")-- This will show a syntax error.
Ex.5. Print(20+30)-- Output will 50.
Ex.6. Print(35>89)-- Condition is wrong so the output will False.
Ex.7. Print(32>20)-- Condition is true so the output will true.

Python Operators

Operators are specialsymboles that ae used to express any type of operation. There are some operators that are used in this language.
  • 1. Arithmatic Operator
  • 2. Comparision Operator
  • 3. Logical Operator
  • 4. Membership Operator
  • 5. Identy Operators
  • 6. Bitwise Operator
Arithmatic Operators-- These operators are used for mathematical calculation such as adding, subtracting and other.
Comparision Operators-- These operators are used for comparing the values.

Assignment Operators-- These operators are used for defing a define variable.

Logical Operators-- These operators are used for comparing the values according to logical statements.
Membership Operators-- These operators are used for finding any value in the string. we can find sub-string in main-string with these operators.

Identy operators-- These operators are used for comparing values according to variable idennty.

Bitiwise Operators-- These operators are used ffor getting Binary number of any number according to Truth Table.
Truth Table

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