Tally Shortcuts: ERP 9 ~ Ssbtechcomputer


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Tally Shortcuts: ERP 9

Tally Shortcuts

Company Info Alt+F3
Shut Company Alt+F1
Select Company(Open) F1
Delete Company Alt+D
Accept All Ctrl+A
Create a new Ledger, Unit, Item Alt+c
Voucher date F2
Period Date Alt+F2
Configration F12
Company Feature F11
Accounting Feature F1
Inventery Feature F2
Statutory & Taxation F3
Column Info Ctrl+C
Add Online Feature F6
Contra F4
Payment F5
Reciept F6
Journal Voucher F7
Sales F8
Purchased F9
Reversing Voucher F10
Debit Note(Sale Return) Ctrl+F8
Credit Note(Sale Return) Ctrl+F9
Memorandum Voucher Ctrl+F10
Purchase Order Voucher Alt+F5
Sale Order Voucher Alt+F5
Receipt Note Voucher Alt+F6
Delivery Note Voucher Alt+F9
Rejection Out Voucher Alt+F6
Rejection In Voucher Ctrl+F6
Stock Journal Voucher Alt+F7
Physical Stock Alt+F10
Job work out Alt+J
Job work in Alt+W
Material Out Ctrl+J
Material in Ctrl+W
Optional Voucher Ctrl+L
Posted Date Ctrl+T
Change Voucher Ctrl+V
Calulator On Ctrl+N
Calculator Off Ctrl+M
Keyboard Configration Alt+K
Export Data Alt+E
Full Report Alt+F1
Print Alt+P
Print Zoom Alt+Z OR F4
Print Preview Alt+I
Print Title Alt+T
Print Page Number Ctrl+G
Pre-Printed Alt+R
Print Formate Alt+F
Print Copy Alt+C
Select Printer Alt+S
Step Forward Enter
Step Backward Backspace
Quit tally Escape OR Ctrl+Q
Sales F8
Minimize the software Alt+Spacebar+R
Maximize the software Alt+Spacebar+X
Tally Payment Alt+S
Particular Mode Alt+I
Entry Forward Pagedown
Entry Backward PageUp
Point of Sale(Gift Voucher) Ctrl+P
Payroll Attendence Voucher Ctrl+F5
Payroll Payment Voucher Ctrl+f4
Cancel OR Blank cheque status Alt+A
Copy Data Alt+Ctrl+C
Paste Data Alt+Ctrl+V
Select Single Entry Spacebar
Select all entry Ctrl+Spacebar
Change Account Details Ctrl+Enter
Cancel Entry Alt+X
Fill all details in cheque Ctrl+C
Tallly Update Ctrl+Alt+T
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Tally Prime is the latest version of Tally. These shortcuts are designed for tally erp 9 and earlier version. Some of them will also work on PRIME ~~SSBTECHCOMPUTER~~

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