W W W . S S B T E C H C O M P U T E R . B L O G S P O T . C O M
MS Excel
MS Excel Window
Some Important points In excel--->
- Excel is a software that is used for making database using functions, Formule.
- When you are using a formula than you have to start formula with =(Equal) sign.
- RANGE-- Range is a area that you want to include in your formula. When you select a range than Colon(:) sign print between the cell address.
- ARRAY-- Array is also a type of range.
- LOOKUP_VALUE--That value which you want to use in your function.
A cell is area in sheet where we write anything. When horizontal & vertical lines intersect each other, the made part is known as Cell.
Ex-C11,B6,BN8 etc.
ACTIVE CELL-- A cell where you are inputting the data/value.
Cells are classified in three types-----------
- Relative Cells
- Absolute Cells
- Mixed Cell
RELATIVE CELL-- A relative reference in Excel is a cell address without the $ sign in the row and column coordinates, like A1. When a formula with relative cell references in copied to another cell, the reference changes based on a relative position of rows and columns. By default, all references in Excel are relative.
ABOSULTE CELL--There is a shortcut for placing absolute cell references in your formulas! When you are typing your formula, after you type a cell reference - press the F4 key. Excel automatically makes the cell reference absolute! By continuing to press F4, Excel will cycle through all of the absolute reference possibilities.
- Select the range where you want to make text Invisible(Mr. India).
- Go on number group.
- Pick the CUSTOM option.
- Write three times Semi-Colon(;)
- Press Ok.
- Now Your Text in Invisible(Mr. India).
For Making the text Visible............
- Select the range where you want to make text Visible.
- Go on number group.
- Pick Any other number format(General)
- Press Ok.
- Now Your Text in Visible.
If you are working in a Firm/Organization than this option is very useful for you. At working time there are so many word that you have to write multiple times. In this working our lot of time goes waste. We can make a autotext that will write automatic by press some key............
LOOK HOW...............
- Click on MS Excel Office Button(In 2007)/File Option(In 2013..)
- Go on Excel Option.
- Pick the Proofing Option.
- Click On AutoCorrect Option.
- Use Replace & with Option.
- Type any word at the place section & that you want to come automatic write that in With Option.
Important Point for CCC
- To move on previous worksheet press Ctrl+PageDown
- Default name of Excel file is Book1
- The intersction of row and column is called Cell.
- Ctrl+End is used to move on last cell of sheet.
- Shift+F11 is shortcut to insert New sheet.
- There are 3 default sheets in any workbook of excel.
- Excel is known as spreadsheet software.
- Visual Basic is used to create macros in excel.
- The combination of column letter and row number for a cell in excel is called Cell refrence
- A function in excel always starts with equal(=) symbole.
- F2 is shortcut that is used to edit the data in excel.
- Portrait is default page orientation in excel.
- Landscape and Portrait are two page orientation in excel.
- The output of =64/8/2 will 4.
- Chart Wizard (F11) is used to create charts in excel.
- Absolute, Relative, Mixed are cell refrenses in excel.
- .xls OR .xlsx is extension name of excel.
- In excel you can use arithmatic, logical, financial, text function.
- Default alignment for Text is Left for Number is Right in excel sheet.
- A$4$ represent that this cell is freezed. For this F4 is used and now this will known as Absolute cell refrens.
- Spreadsheet is known as Workbook
- Countif() formula is used for counts the number of cell with in range that meet a given condition.
- Shift+F5 is used for opening Find dialog box while F5 is used for Go to.
- Ctrl+F5 has the same work in word and excel.
- A1 is address of first cell in excel
- When we copy a formlula in excel, absolute cell refrences do not change Whatsapp Telegram FB Page Twitter Instragram Our Book