MS Word shortcuts ~ Ssbtechcomputer


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MS Word shortcuts

MS Word Shortcuts

Shortcut Term
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+Shift+C Copy formatting
Ctrl+Shift+V Paste formatting
Alt+Ctrl+V Paste special
Ctrl+X or Shift+Delete key Cut
Ctrl+Insert or Ctrl+E Copy
Shift+Insert or Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+Shift+> Font size increase
Ctrl+Shift+< Font size decrease
Ctrl+] Font size increase in 1-1 point
Ctrl+[ Font size decrease in 1-1 point
Ctrl+B Bold
Ctrl+I Italic
Ctrl+U Underline
Ctrl+Shift+D Double underline
Ctrl+= Subscript
Shift+F3 Change case
Ctrl+D Open the font grp
Ctrl+Spacebar Clear All formatting
Ctrl+Shift+F Change font style
Ctrl+Shift+p Change font size
Ctrl+Shift+a Upper case
Ctrl+Shift+L Creat bullet
Ctrl+L Left align
Ctrl+E Center align
Ctrl+R Right align
Ctrl+J Justify
Ctrl+Shift+J Force Justify
Ctrl+1 Spacing for 1
Ctrl+2 Spacing for 2
Ctrl+5 Spacing for 1.5
Ctrl+m Increase Indent
Ctrl+Shift+m Decrease Indent
Alt+Ctrl+1 Heading 1
Alt+Ctrl+2 Heading 2
Alt+Ctrl+3 Heading 3
Alt+Ctrl+Y Find Next
Ctrl+H Replace
Alt+Ctrl+Home Select Brouse Option
Ctrl+K Insert Hyperlink
Ctrl+N New Documrnt
Ctrl+O or Ctrl+F12 Open a Document
Ctrl+S Save
F12 Save as
Ctrl+F2 Print Preview
Alt+Ctrl+I Print preview
Ctrl+P Print Document
Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4 Choose current document
F7 Spelling and Grammar
Alt+left click Research
Shift+F7 Thesaurus
Ctrl+Shift+G Wordcount
Alt+Ctrl+M New comment
Ctrl+Shift+E Track Changes
Alt+W View Tab
Alt+Ctrl+P Print Layout
Alt+F8 Micros
Alt+Ctrl+C Copy right symbol
Alt+Ctrl+R Registered symbol
Alt+Ctrl+T Trademark symbol
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