Cyber Crime & Cyber Cell ~ Ssbtechcomputer


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Cyber Crime & Cyber Cell


Cyber Crime

Cyber crime :-) Cyber Crime is the use of computer & network to perform illegal activities such as spreading computer viruses, online billing, performing unauthorized electronic fund transfer, emails fraud etc. Most cyber crimes are commited through the internet. some crimes can also be carried out using Mobile phones via SMS & online chatting application.

Some ways of Cyber Crime:-)

  • Computer fraud
  • Privacy Violaton
  • Identy Theft
  • Sharing Copyright files/ information
  • Electronic funds transfer
  • Elecronic Money Laundering 
  • Convert Illegal money to Legal money
  • ATM fraud 
  • Denial of service attacks
  • Spam

Hacking Techniques:-)

  • Botnets
  • Browser Hijacks 
  • Denial of service (DDOS) attacks
  • Rootkits
  • Trojans 
  • Virus
  • Worms


To find weakness in computer security or network to gain access without any permission .EX:-) Using password cracking algorithum to gain access to the system.


A hacker is a person who find & exploits the security weakness in the system & use it for own profit without any legal permission. Hackers are usually skilled computer programmers with knowledge of security of systems.   

Hackers type :-)

1) White Hat (Ethical hacker):-) A person who gain access to system for fixing the identificing weakness.

2) Cracker( Black hat):-) A person who gains unauthorized access to system for personal gain. the intent is usually used to steal confidential data, ID & Passwords, voilate privacy rigts,funds transfer Bank details etc.

3) Gray Hat:-) A cracker who is between white & black hat are known as gray hat hackers. It breaks into computer system without authority with a view to identify weakness & reveal them to the system owner.

5) Hacktvisit :-) A hacker who are hacking to send social, religious & political messages. These are usually done by hijacking the websites & leaving the messages on hijacked websites.

4) Script Kiddies :-) A non-skilled person who gain access to computer system using already mode tools. Means that in that system a software which records all the information which is typed by keyboard & also records the clicks of mouse. 

6) Phreaker:-) A hacker who identify & exploits weakness in telephones instead of computer.

Protect againts hackers :-)

  • Always make update your Operating System frequently.
  • Use Antivirus software in system.(Never use more than one Antivirus software in a single system because one antivirus software will work like Virus for another)
  • Destroy all tracks of your personal information.
  • Never save your login information.
  • Do not use wifi on your router.
  • Use Different Password for pc & mobile. Never use so common passwords such.
  • Always use different question with different answer.
  • Never share your any information with any one
  • Never allow any sites to send cookies.
  • Keep Sensitive data out off the cloud


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