What is capital Account ~ Ssbtechcomputer


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What is capital Account

 Capital A/c

When a person starts a business then he makes an investment in that business. He invested money in Cash, Furniture, Machinery, Buildings, Land, etc. These things are ASSETS and submission of all assets is known as CAPITAL.

  • Capital a/c is a type of personal a/c. It will always be in CR.
  • Capital (पूंजी)- Capital is a part of wealth that is used for further production. It contains three part.
    1. Fixed Capital
    2. Floting Capital
    3. Working Capital
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    1. Business started with cash 25000.

    Cash Ac DR 25000
    Capital Account CR 25000

    2. Business started with cash 25000, buliding 100000.

    Cash Ac DR 25000
    Building Ac DR 100000
    Capital Account CR 25000+100000=125000

    3. Business started with cash 25000, buliding 100000, machinery 50000.

    Cash Ac DR 25000
    Building Ac DR 100000
    Machinery Ac DR 50000
    Capital Account CR 25000+100000+50000=175000
    Libilties will be always ditucted from Assets.

    4. Business started with cash 25000, buliding 100000, machinery 50000, bank loans 50000.

    Cash Ac DR 25000
    Building Ac DR 100000
    Machinery Ac DR 50000
    Bank loan Ac CR 50000
    Capital Account CR 25000+100000+50000-50000=125000

    4. Business started with cash 25000, buliding 100000, machinery 50000, bank loans 50000, bills payable 25000.

    Cash Ac DR 25000
    Building Ac DR 100000
    Machinery Ac DR 50000
    Bank loan Ac CR 50000
    Bills payable Ac CR 25000
    Capital Account CR 25000+100000+50000-50000-25000=100000
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